I’ve been testing the waters to outsource some of the more tedious programming work I do. It’s been a stretch for me to release the details to someone else – especially someone I don’t personally know. In the past fewRead More
Adding MORE to Your WordPress Post
Tired of each blog post taking the whole of your front page or your homepage? Try adding the MORE tag after the first paragraph or so. The MORE tag in WordPress allows reader to get a taste of your blogRead More
Scientific Method Applied to Quality Blogging
Today, I was discussing with my teenager how to begin a science research project. Later I realized this process applies to putting together a quality blogging. Here are the steps for both projects: 1. What is the question you wantRead More
4 Reasons to Attend the Next IM or Social Media Event
In this age of Facebook, email, instant messaging, and even webinars, meeting face-to-face may seem to have lost its luster. However human nature hasn’t changed. While we enjoy the day-to-day collaboration our online tools provide, we still crave a warmRead More
3 Practical Rules of Social Media Parents Must Teach Their Children
As an internet marketer and an amateur news hound, I come across lots of stories about life and social media every day. The recent suicide of a Rutgers University freshman made headlines. His roommate and another student posted a sexRead More
Starting Beginning Facebook Webinars
Join us for four exciting webinars to learn about start out on Facebook. See more at: http://www.beginningfb.com