Thanksgiving here in the United States is a day set aside to remember to be thankful. Thankfulness should be a daily thought process, but I like the fact that we celebrate being thankful even if it is just once aRead More
Are You Blogging Yet?
Tom Peters still tops the list business gurus. I’ve been learning from him since college and really love what he shares with Seth Godin (an amazing marketer). How has blogging changed your life? Changed your business?
How to Add a YouTube Video to Your WordPress Blog Post
Video is a great resource to add to your blog posts. You can develop a video yourself or you can search for just the right video on YouTube ( There are other video resources out there, but YouTube is byRead More
Facebook is Essential for Your Web 2.0 Marketing
Here is a great interview with Mark Zuckerman, founder of Facebook. He shares why Facebook is an important element of your marketing strategy.
Managing Your Facebook SPAM Filter
Now that you have your Facebook Like / Fan page going strong, you’re probably noticing strange and sometimes offensive comments popping up. In addition, Facebook’s spam filter may also be filtering out quality posts made by your fans. Mari SmithRead More
Using Facebook for Business
Great info from guest blogger: Wayne Kessler There are a growing number of social media sites being used by businesses in their company marketing efforts. The secret to using social media effectively is not to be everywhere, but instead toRead More