Another great “HOW TO” lesson today. Sometimes you just need a quick way for customers to give to your non-profit or to support your free work. Paypal offers a quick resource to enable online credit card transactions without a lot of fuss. This tutorial assumes you already have a PAYPAL account. If you don’t, click here for PAYPAL and get your account started.
I mentioned a few reasons you might want a donate button on your website. What are you using it for?
Just would like to let you know that this procedure does not currently work with (not sure about self hosted, but I dont see why it should work.).
Instead of using the generated code from the Paypal site you have to use the “email link” and create a donate button image widget with a link (href) of the Paypal email link. Then it works.
If you use the generated code, wordpress will “delete” most of the lines the moment you publish you post. This is a known issue (whether bug or feature, I dont know) ^^
Great Point. This post was designed for SELF HOSTED WordPress. Hadn’t even thought about it working with I don’t think you can sell things on the pages anyway. Self hosting give you so much more control on using the WordPress platform 🙂